3 Reasons why working in a coffee shop abroad will enrich your life
Living abroad can be quite challenging, especially when you are still learning the language. Luckily there is a way for you to get used to your new environment very easily - Working in a coffee shop. Not only because there is coffee, but also because of the following 3 reasons that will make your life abroad easier and more fun. So, coffee?
3. You connect with new people.
Meeting new people is a very good way to learn and discover new things. As coffee shops are known for being a great meeting place for young and old, you will naturally meet new people, especially when you work there and are constantly talking to customers. It is also a good chance to start fresh and make some new friends. Of course, it won’t be your main task when at work, but socialising every now and then will not only make your work more fun, but it will make your life more exciting. Whether your new friends were or are still customers or colleagues, new friends mean new adventures. And we all need more adventures!
2. It improves your CV, thus increases your chances to get a job in the future.
What else can be useful for job applications in the future? Yes, working in a coffee shop does involve a fair amount of skills that could be essential for your future job. One of the most important skills you get to learn and develop is customer service. Customer service is part of many job descriptions nowadays as it shows that you have learned how to communicate and work with people. If you have not worked in customer service before, there are a number of skills that are easy to learn. So, just give yourself a push and give it a try. What do you have to lose?
1. You learn to communicate with people in the real world.
All textbooks aside, you finally get to learn the language that is spoken outside the classroom, so the actual language. You might find out that there might be some words or expressions people do not even use anymore, or some funny colloquial words or phrases you would never learn at uni. It's just nice to have a different and more interesting way of learning than just sitting in a classroom which is why so many students decide to go abroad. You should try it, too!