What you need to know about CIUTI 2018
The CIUTI 2018 conference starts today!
Dialexy is honoured to be part of this year’s CIUTI conference on Translation and interpreting in an era of demographic and technological change. Innovations in research, practice and training. This year’s CIUTI will take place at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK, where the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies (LINCS) will be hosting the CIUTI 2018 on 30th and 31st May 2018. In previous years, state of the art topics such as the role of languages in a changing global market, market-oriented T&I training and translation-quality issues were part of the programme, which is why we are so proud to have been selected for CIUTI 2018.
What is CIUTI and what does it stand for?
CIUTI (“Conférence internationale permanente d'instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes”, translated to English “Permanent International Conference of University Institutes of Translators and Interpreters”) is an international organisation founded in 1960 that prides itself in bringing new findings and concepts in the field of translation and interpreting year on year. The CIUTI team is located in Brussels but the partners and supporters of CIUTI form a global network of translators, interpreters, researchers and research interests. As an international association of institutions of Higher Education, CIUTI aims to provide qualitative master degrees in translation and interpreting through pioneering research work.
With a global network of people working together, the CIUTI has three goals:
“To optimize the quality of the training; to facilitate the mobility of students and professors between member institutes.
To ensure the collaboration of its members in the field of research, in the development of new teaching methods.
To promote relations with national and international organizations, associations and companies interested in training professionals in interpretation, translation, multilingual and intercultural communication” (http://www.ciuti.org/about-us/statutes/).
Where and when will the conference take place?
The annual CIUTI conference will take place on 30th and 31st May at Heriot-Watt University. Events, including workshops and paper sessions ranging from topics on machine translation systems to quality in (video) remote interpreting, will be in the PGC building - apart from a Scottish Story-Telling Dinner at the Cannonball on the Royal Mile, Edinburgh.
At this year’s CIUTI conference Dialexy will be holding a paper session on Thursday, 31st May at 14.30 called “Towards augmented translation: redesigning the certified translation process with the help of AI.” The paper session, presented by Blaise Potard, CTO of Dialexy, will take place in the PGC Auditorium. We will introducing the first CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tool for Certified Translation, and explain how the way we use Artificial Intelligence could have wider consequences in the role of automation in the translation industry.
We look forward to seeing you there!
To find out more about the CIUTI 2018 programme visit:
Learn more about CIUTI and how your institution can become a member of CIUTI at: www.ciuti.org.